
I-Lasik is a kind of laser eye surgical treatment applied for the correction of eye defects. In this method, the cornea is cut by using a femtosecond laser, which pulses in a much shorter time than a second, instead of a microkeratome (blade laser). This results in less risk of complications and more predictable results. i-Lasik treatment in Türkiye may be an ideal option for those who want to get rid of glasses or contact lenses.

What is i-Lasik Laser?

iLASIK treatment is an effective bladeless treatment option that can be used to treat common vision defects such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. i-Lasik treatment stands out with low complications and a short recovery time. During the procedure, the surgeon uses the femtosecond laser to create a flap on the cornea. Then, vision is corrected by changing the shape of the cornea with the help of laser.

How is i-Lasik Surgery Performed?

It is necessary to measure the person’s eye number before iLASIK surgery. This measurement helps the ophthalmologist determine the shape of the eye and the thickness of the cornea. At the beginning of the procedure, local anesthesia in the form of eye drops is applied first. Then, a flap is created in the cornea using the femtosecond laser. With laser application, it takes about 10 minutes to change the shape of the cornea and solve the vision problem. When the laser procedure is completed, the flap-shaped tissue created in the cornea is placed back. Eye drops are applied to reduce the risk of infection after the operation.

Who is Eligible For i-Lasik Laser?

iLASIK eye treatment may not be suitable for everyone, the necessary eligibility criteria can be listed as follows:

  • Being over the age of 18.
  • The eye number not changing in the last 12 months.
  • Not being pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Appropriate cornea thickness.
  • Appropriate eye defect type.
  • Having a healthy eye structure.

What are the i-Lasik Treatment Methods?

iLASIK treatment provides precise correction of defects in the eye by using the latest developments in laser technology. Some of the advanced methods used in i-Lasik laser treatment in Türkiye are as follows:

  • Femtosecond laser technology
  • Wavefront technology
  • Special design laser
  • Iris tracking


Wavefront technology creates a three-dimensional map of the optical surface of the eye, allowing the measurement of light refraction at each point of the eye. These measurements are then analyzed by special software and a treatment plan is created to accurately identify and correct the defects in the eye. The Wavefront method is one of the most preferred methods in i-Lasik treatment in Türkiye, as it provides a high success rate by creating a personalized treatment plan.

How Long Does the i-Lasik Surgery Take?

iLASIK surgery is a short operation with laser application lasting approximately 15-20 minutes for both eyes. If the procedure is to be performed for only one eye, it takes less time. But this period may vary depending on the patient’s eye structure and the complexity of the treatment.

Is i-Lasik Surgery Safe?

i-Lasik surgery is safe since the laser device is precisely programmed completely under computer control. A special tool is used to fixate and follow the eye by ensuring that the laser focuses on the right places. This tool ensures the correct alignment of the eye and prevents the laser from focusing on the wrong area. It is also important for patients to act in accordance with their doctor’s recommendations during the healing process. Following the recommendations correctly reduces the risk of complications and increases the safety of treatment.

Is i-Lasik Treatment Permanent?

When iLASIK treatment is successfully applied, it offers a permanent solution to the vision problem for most people for a lifetime. However, in some cases, such as aging and the occurrence of new eye problems, the effect may not be completely permanent. In addition, if the correct care is not taken after the operation or some complications occur, the healing process may be prolonged and the permanence of the effect may be impaired.

What are the Advantages of i-Lasik Eye Laser?

iLASIK has some advantages compared to other LASIK laser eye surgery procedures. The advantages of i-Lasik eye laser can be explained as follows:

  • Personalized treatment: iLASIK is customized according to the eye structure of each patient. For this reason, each stage of treatment is designed specifically for the patient and the effectiveness of the treatment increases.
  • A less invasive (incision) procedure: Since the iLASIK procedure involves a less invasive procedure than traditional LASIK methods, less tissue damage occurs.
  • Faster healing process: Since tissue damage is less after iLASIK treatment, the healing process is faster than traditional LASIK methods. Patients can usually return to their normal activities within a few days after the procedure.
  • Less side effects: Side effects such as dry eye, light sensitivity and blurred vision may be seen temporarily after the operation. In addition to these effects being temporary, they are milder compared to other LASIK methods.
  • Higher success rate: Since a personalized, sensitive treatment is applied in iLASIK application, patient satisfaction and success rate are high.
  • Less risk of complications: Since iLASIK treatment is a less invasive method and the procedure time is short, the risk of complications is also low.
  • Fast and effective treatment: It offers a fast and effective treatment as the procedure time is about 15-20 minutes.

What are the Disadvantages of i-Lasik Eye Laser?

Although iLASIK treatment is a vision correction treatment with many advantages, it also has some disadvantages. The disadvantages of i-Lasik treatment can be explained as follows:

  • Complications: Although it is rare after i-Lasik treatment, complications such as infection, corneal injury, light line or night vision problems, dry eye, flashes or tremors in vision may occur.
  • Dry Eyes: After treatment, the feeling of dryness in the eyes is a common side effect. This dryness feeling may persist for a long time in some patients and may be uncomfortable.
  • Price: iLASIK treatment may be more expensive than other glasses or contact lens options, or compared to other treatment methods.
  • Ineligible candidates: One of the important disadvantages of i-Lasik treatment is that it is not a suitable treatment for everyone. For example, people with insufficient corneal tissue, unstable eye numbers, or eye infections cannot benefit from iLASIK treatment.

How Long is the i-Lasik Laser Healing Process?

Although the healing process of iLASIK laser therapy is unique for each patient, it is usually quite fast. If there are no complications, most people can return to their normal daily activities within a few days. There may be blurred vision, double vision and slight light sensitivity for a few days after the operation. These symptoms usually go away on their own and can be relieved with the help of medication. It is also normal for patients to have a slight swelling and redness in their eyes during the first week. During this time, regular use of eye drops prescribed by your doctor and protecting your eyes from impacts will speed up the healing process.

What are the Differences Between i-Lasik and LASIK?

Unlike the traditional Lasik procedure, i-Lasik offers a more tailored and personalized treatment using a special mapping technique. This mapping technique creates a 3D map of a person’s eye surface using an optical mapping device. This allows the laser device to shape the cornea in a more precise and personalized way.

How Should Eye Care Be After i-Lasik Treatment?

After i-Lasik treatment, it is necessary to pay attention to eye care and stay away from situations that will damage the eyes. The following are the things to be careful about in eye care after i-Lasik treatment:

  • The eyes should not be rubbed
  • The eyes should be moisturized regularly
  • Eye makeup should not be applied
  • Sunglasses should be used when going out in the sun
  • Heavy exercises should be avoided
  • The prescribed medications should be used regularly
  • The doctor’s recommendations should be followed

Frequently Asked Questions About i-Lasik

Questions are asked about what the patients should expect during the i-Lasik laser operation and the subsequent recovery period. How the operation will take place and how long the recovery process will take are important for patients to plan their daily lives. Some questions about i-Lasik are as follows:

  1. In how many days does i-Lasik heal?

While the recovery process after the operation begins quickly, vision problems and sensitivities may occur in the first days. There may also be cases of redness and swelling in the first week, but all these conditions will pass on their own in a short time and recovery will occur after a few weeks.

  1. When does clear vision start after i-lasik?

When i-lasik treatment is performed successfully and no complications occur, clear vision is achieved within a few weeks.

  1. How is an i-lasik laser performed?

i-lasik treatment is performed by opening a flap in the corneaby applying laser, solving the vision problem with laser and closing the created flap. Before the treatment, a personalized laser application is designed according to the eye problem and the operation is completed in about 10 minutes.

If you want to know whether you are a suitable candidate for i-Lasik treatment, you can have your check-ups done by specialist doctors. i-Lasik treatment is among the eye treatments within Liv Hospital.

The Best i-Lasik Laser Doctors in Türkiye

Türkiye, one of the countries that make a difference in the field of health, can be preferred for i-Lasik Laser treatment. Because Türkiye follows the developing health technology and makes use of the benefits of this technology together with its experienced doctors. In order to learn about the best i-Lasik laser doctors in Türkiye, it is important to make an appointment with the doctors of high-tech hospitals providing i-Lasik laser services in Türkiye.

Liv Hospital: See life more beautifully

Standing out with its experience and practices in the field of health, Liv Hospital makes a difference with its successful doctors and i-Lasik Laser treatment. From your initial phone conversation through the end of your treatment, the Liv Hospital International Health Services Team will be by your side. Providing service to visitors from many different nationalities in Türkiye, Liv Hospital employs an experienced team of successful and competent medical doctors who can meet all your health needs. Therefore, Liv Hospital provides you with the most effective health service to end problems such as blurred vision in your eyes. You can call us to get detailed information.

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