

Healthcare services, due to their vital importance, are of utmost value, and individuals’ rights and responsibilities in healthcare are non-negotiable. We respect all the rights of our patients and their families who seek services from our hospitals. This resource, prepared utilizing the regulations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey regarding Patient Rights, is intended to inform our patients about their rights and responsibilities during the service they receive.

Patient Rights

Patient rights encompass all the practices undertaken to preserve the rights of individuals who request medical assistance and apply to a healthcare institution for any services related to the entire service process provided by that institution, as guaranteed by international and national legislation. These rights aim to maintain a high level of public health and provide high-quality healthcare services.

  1. Right to Access Services

Every individual who applies to our hospital has the right to benefit from all services, regardless of language, religion, race, or sect. They have the right to receive preventive and therapeutic healthcare services necessary for maintaining a healthy life, with fairness.

  1. Right to Information and Request for Information

Our patients have the right to receive information about their health conditions and how to benefit from existing healthcare services, as well as the right to see and obtain documents related to themselves and their diseases.

  1. Right to Consent and Refusal

After being adequately informed, patients have the right to accept, reject, or request the cessation of the proposed treatment.

  1. Right to Choose and Change the Healthcare Institution and Personnel

Patients have the right to choose and change the methods of diagnosis and treatment, as well as the doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals responsible for their treatments.

  1. Right to Privacy and Confidentiality

Patients have the right to request the confidentiality of their personal information, health conditions, diagnosis, and treatment processes, as well as the content of private visits.

  1. Right to Dignity

Patients have the right to receive healthcare services with a smiling, kind, and compassionate approach and in a clean, modern environment.

  1. Right to Practice Religious Obligations

Patients have the right to practice their religious obligations within the possibilities of the healthcare facility and as long as it does not hinder the treatment.

  1. Right to Visit and Accompany

Patients have the right to receive visitors and have attendants in accordance with the rules and regulations determined by our hospital.

  1. Right to Security

Patients have the right to the protection of life and property, and the right to be protected from risks in healthcare services and medical errors.

  1. Right to Consultation and Second Opinion

Patients have the right to seek information about their health condition from another physician in the same specialty or request consultation with a specialist from a different field, apart from the treating physician.

  1. Right to Complaints, Opinions, and Suggestions

Patients have the right to initiate, review, conclude, and be informed about the outcome of the complaint mechanism in our hospital in case of negligence of their rights.

For security reasons, our hospitals conduct camera recordings in public areas. However, this measure is not applied in private areas such as patient rooms and physician offices to respect privacy.

Patient Responsibilities

Patient responsibilities are the duties and obligations that patients must fulfill before and after applying to a healthcare institution.

1.General Responsibilities

Patients are responsible for taking care of their health and following the advice given for a healthy lifestyle. If eligible, patients can donate blood or organs. In simple cases, patients are responsible for their own care.

2.Social Security Status

Patients are responsible for reporting changes in their health, social security, and personal information in a timely manner.

3.Informing Healthcare Professionals

Patients are responsible for providing complete and accurate information about their complaints, previous illnesses, any previous hospitalizations, current medications, and all relevant health information.

4.Compliance with Hospital Rules

Patients are responsible for complying with the rules and practices of the healthcare institution they apply to. Patients are responsible for adhering to the referral chain determined by the Ministry of Health and relevant social security institutions. Patients are responsible for collaborating with healthcare professionals during the treatment, care, and rehabilitation process. Patients are responsible for paying for diagnostic and treatment expenses. If patients are using a healthcare facility with appointments, they are responsible for adhering to the date and time of the appointment and notifying the relevant party of any changes. Patients are responsible for respecting the rights of hospital staff, other patients, and visitors. Patients are responsible for covering the costs of any damage they cause to hospital property.

5.Compliance with Treatment Recommendations

Patients are responsible for carefully listening to and understanding recommendations regarding their treatment and medications. If there are aspects they don’t understand, patients are responsible for asking questions. If patients cannot comply with the treatment recommendations, they are responsible for informing the healthcare professional. Patients are responsible for confirming whether they have correctly understood the post-care plan after healthcare and discharge. Patients are responsible for the consequences that may arise from refusing treatment or not following recommendations.

Patient Rights Unit