In cases where there is tooth loss for various reasons, implant treatment is used to restore the function and appearance of the teeth.
Dental Implants in Türkiye
Dental implants are materials that have been widely used in recent years and replace missing teeth.
In cases where there is tooth loss for various reasons, implant treatment is used to restore the function and appearance of the teeth. Today, with the developments in the field of health technology, there are many important developments from the material used in implant treatment to the technique. You can read the rest of the article to learn about the things you are curious about implant treatment.
In Türkiye, the implant has become increasingly preferred in the field of oral and dental health with high-tech hospitals. You can read all the details about implant processes in Türkiye in the continuation of the article.
What is an Implant Tooth?
An implant tooth can be defined as an artificial tooth root with a screw-like structure that replaces missing teeth. Dental implants are produced using different materials such as titanium, and zirconium. These implants are placed in the jawbone and imitate the root of the tooth. Thus, the prosthesis, which will replace the missing tooth, can be easily fixed. The purpose of implant dental treatment in Türkiye is to ensure that the patient is comfortable with their new prosthesis.
What is Implant Treatment?
Functional problems such as chewing disorders may occur in people who experience tooth loss for various reasons. In addition, people who have experienced tooth loss may also feel uncomfortable esthetically. In such cases, it is possible to restore the previous function and appearance of the tooth with implant treatment. For this reason, implanttreatment may be preferred in people who have lost one or more teeth.
Who Is Not Eligible For Implant Tooth?
Under normal conditions, implant treatment can be applied to everyone. However, some factors may negatively affect the success of implant treatment. During implant surgery, a screw-like material is inserted into the jawbone. For this reason, the jawbone is examined with the help of various imaging techniques before deciding on implant treatment for patients with tooth loss. In patients who do not have sufficient bone density, different treatments such as bone grafts may need to be applied before implant surgery. However, some chronic diseases can delay the healing of the jawbone. Therefore, the specialist dentist takes a detailed medical history of the patient before the operation.

What is Implant Surgery?
Implant surgery in Türkiye is a dental procedure in which artificial teeth are placed in the place of the missing tooth of the patient under local anesthesia. Implant surgery can be performed in several stages in general, or it can be completed on the same day depending on the patient’s condition and needs.
What Are The Implant Stages?
Implant surgery can be performed with different techniques. It is usually waited for 1-3 months for prosthesis placement after tooth extraction. Currently, there are also implant treatment options known as same-day implants. Which of these methods will be applied is decided by considering the patient’s condition and needs. For this, the patient’s mouth and tooth structure is examined in detail before the surgery by a dentist who is an expert in the field. The implant stages can be listed as follows:
- Firstly, the specialist dentist determines the area where the implant will be placed with the help of imaging methods such as x-ray. Local anesthesia is applied to the patient before the operation. If the patient has a tooth that needs to be extracted, it is extracted. Then the dentist makes a small incision in the gum and reaches the jawbone where the implant will be placed. A small hole is drilled in the jawbone with the help of special tools so that the implant can be fixed. An implant is placed in this opened hole, and the lifted gum is covered over the implant again, and the jawbone is left to heal.
- After the implant is placed in the jawbone, it is expected for some time so that it can integrate with the jawbone. This period usually lasts between 2 – 6 months. There is no need to wait for same-day implant treatments.
- At this stage, a screw-like material, also called an abutment, is placed on the implant. At this stage, it is also waited for a while for the gum to heal.
- After the gum is completely healed, the measurement of the teeth is taken and an artificial tooth is prepared in a laboratory environment.
- This stage is the final stage of implant surgery. An artificial tooth prepared in a laboratory environment is placed on the abutment and the patient’s final checks are performed.
Currently, there are also treatment options in which an artificial tooth is inserted on the same day. This method, also known as the same-day implant, is an implant method in which both the implant and the prosthesis are placed on the same day.
How are Implant Sizes Selected?
Choosing the right implant is important for successful implant treatment. While determining the implant sizes in Türkiye, the decision is made by considering factors such as the patient’s bone density, the size of the area where the implant will be placed, and the condition of the surrounding teeth.
Can One Have Implants at a Young Age?
Implant treatment is a treatment method used to restore the function and appearance of the tooth in people with tooth loss for various reasons. For successful placement of the implant, the jaw bone density must be at a sufficient level. Tooth loss can occur at any age, however, there are various different opinions among scientists about whether implant treatment should be performed in childhood and at a young age. The most important reason for this is that the jawbone will change depending on growth. For this reason, implant treatment in children and young people is decided by a dentist who is an expert in this field after a detailed examination.

What are the Types of Implants?
There are two main types of implants used in implant treatment. We can divide the types of implants in Türkiye into two groups as screw implant and implant without a screw.
What is a Screw Implant?
In screw implant treatment, the implants are screwed into the jawbone.
What is an Implant Without a Screw?
Implants without screws are placed under the gingiva and these implants, which merge with the jawbone over time, can also be used in patients who do not have sufficient bone density or are not suitable for screw implants for various reasons.
What is a Zirconium Implant?
Different materials are used in the production of implants. Titanium is one of the preferred materials primarily due to its easy compatibility with the jawbone. Although titanium is widely used in implant treatment, it can be seen in a grayish color when viewed from the outside. This can be esthetically uncomfortable. For this reason, zirconium implant treatment, which provides an appearance closer to the natural color of the tooth, has been at the forefront in recent years. A zirconium implant is a kind of ceramic with no metal in it. For this reason, it fits more easily with the jawbone and offers a more natural appearance and smile when viewed from the outside. In addition, some studies show that pathogens in the mouth are less settled on zirconium. This feature of the zirconium implant means better oral hygiene.
Is There Zirconium for Implant?
In Türkiye, zirconium veneer is generally preferred for implant-supported veneers. The most important reason for this is that the material closest to the natural tooth appearance is zirconium. In addition to a more natural appearance, zirconium veneer is easier to maintain and clean. It is also more resistant to discoloration such as yellowing.
How is Implant Care Performed?
- Implant care should be like natural oral and dental care.
- Implants should be brushed regularly with a soft brush, just like other teeth.
- Hard foods that may damage the implants should be avoided.
- Tobacco and tobacco products can cause yellowing of implants. Therefore, harmful habits such as smoking should be avoided.

Is the Dental Implant Dangerous?
Implant surgery usually does not carry any risks. However, as with other surgical operations, some complications may rarely occur after implant surgery. Some of the complications that can be seen after implant surgery are as follows:
- Infection in the area where the procedure is performed,
- Sensitivity in the mouth and jaw area,
- Jawbone pain,
- Sinus problems after implants placed in the upper jaw
In addition to the ones listed above, in case of complaints such as fever, pain, swelling that persists for a long time, it is important to inform the dentist and have the necessary checks done.
For How Many Days Does the Implanted Tooth Hurt?
Since the implant surgery is performed with the help of local anesthesia, no pain is felt during the surgery. It is considered normal to have pain for a few days after the operation. If the pain persists for a long time, it is important to contact the health institution and have checks done.
Zirconium Dental Implant Prices 2023
Zirconium dental implant prices in Türkiye for 2023 vary depending on factors such as the number of implants to be made during the procedure and whether an additional treatment such as bone grafting is needed. It is recommended that those who want to get information about dental implant prices 2023 should contact a dentist who is an expert in the field and have the necessary checks done.
Implant treatment is provided by dentists who are experts in the field of Oral and Dental Health at Liv Hospital. If you are also experiencing tooth loss, do not neglect to have the necessary checks and get information about the treatment options that are suitable for you.
The Best Implant Doctors in Türkiye
Istanbul, which offers a full range of scientific health services for implant treatment that we have mentioned in detail in our article above, may be preferred. In Türkiye, which is one of the first countries that comes to mind when it comes to reliable treatment services, implant operations are preferred more gradually. In order to learn about the best implant doctors in Türkiye, it is important to make an appointment with the doctors of high-tech hospitals providing implant services in Türkiye.
Liv Hospital: A smile worthy of your face is possible
Liv Hospital is one of the most successful centers in Türkiye in the field of implants with its scientific studies at international standards and thousands of successful doctors. From your initial phone conversation through the end of your treatment, the Liv Hospital International Health Services Team will be by your side. Providing service to visitors from 182 different nationalities in Türkiye, Liv Hospital employs a team of experienced and competent medical doctors who can meet all your health needs. Therefore, the days when you will smile comfortably, you will not experience pain while eating, and you can consume your drinks without any pain are not far away. You can call us to get detailed information about implant operations. You can get acquainted with the advantages of implant treatment in Türkiye and witness the difference of Liv Hospital.