Dermatology and Venerology Department Services
- Diagnosis and treatment of skin, hair and nail diseases
- Diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of benches (nevi) in computerized system
- Cosmetic dermatology applications (botox, filler, mesotherapy, PRP (platelet rich plasma), chemical peeling processes, dermaroller)
- Laser applications (vascular formation of the skin, scar treatment, skin rejuvenation, spot treatment)
- Diagnosis and treatment of skin cancers, patient information, sun protection methods
- Scar treatments (acne scar, skin stretch-striae)
- Cautery and cryotherapy applications
- Dermatological surgery applications (nail ingestion and removal of cysts)
- Allergy tests in the diagnosis of allergic skin diseases
- Dermatovenereology
- Information, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of sexually transmitted diseases
Pediatric Dermatology: Eczema in children, rash diseases, hair, nail problems
Diseases Treated
- Acne
- Urticaria (hives)
- Skin cancers
- Eczema
- Fungal diseases
- Skin infections
- Psoriasis (psoriasis)
- Hair diseases
- Nail diseases